
Hydrocele Surgery is Accumulation of fluid in between layers over testis leading to appearance of large swelling in scrotum obviously in males.
However Canal of nuck hydrocele , a rare entity seen in females.


A) Primary Hydrocele Surgery

B) Secondary Hydrocele Surgery

Symptoms & Diagnosis

Painless Scrotal swelling In Testis area
Occasional Pain or Heaviness
Pain & fever if Secondary causes or Infection

Assessment of patient as per following

Hydrocele Surgery
Cosmetic Scar
Hydrocele Surgery
Hydrocele Treatment


Moderate to Large Size Hydrocele will need some form of surgical treatment.

Very small sized Hydrocele patients can wait & watch. 

Eversion of  Hydrocele Sac(Jaboulay or Winkelmann’s)

Lords Plication

Western Snip, Stitich & Tug Sub Inguinal Technique (Saber’s Minimal Access Hydrocelectomy )

Excision & Oversewing ( Von Bergmann’s )

Sub-Dartos Pouch Technique or Scrotoplasty for Giant Hydrocele

Hospital Stay
1 to 0 Days
Office Work
3 to 3 Days
7 to 8 Days
10 to 0 Days
  1. Pyocele
  2. Rupture
  3. Testicular Atrophy
  4. Fungal Infection over scrotal skin
  5. Fourniers gangrene

– Impaired Sex Life – large scrotal swelling & apparent small penis esp. In large hydrocele
– Infertility – Compartment syndrome, Testicular compression, Raised temperature of scrotum , as water prevents heat dissipation.
– Dyspareunia
– Erectile Dysfunction
– Social Stigma


Epididymal cyst

Testicular torsion

Testicular tumors

Large Inguinoscrotal hernia


  • Pyocele
  • Rupture
  • Testicular Atrophy
  • Fungal Infection
  • Fourniers gangrene

Treatment of Infant Hydrocele in New born children ?

Incidence is upto 10 percent in new born infants

Conservative treatment & wait for atleast 18 months as many will regress with time unless coexisting inguinal hernia

If no regression , then herniotomy after 18 months may be advisable.


had one of the largest abscess with liver failure and multiple problems. Hospital team did excellent work and pulled me back from ventilator & saved my life
Patient, Nandurbar

Opening Hours

Monday – Saturday

Morning09.00 AM – 12.00 PM

Evening04.00 PM – 07.00 PM

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You simply click on above number and book appointment with Dr. Chintan B Patel

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